How smart recycling bin technology is revolutionizing waste management.
15 October 2022, By Anenaa Thirumurthy
Estimated time to read: 19 minutes
Why do we need to manage our waste?
European Union produces more than 2.5 billion tons of waste every year and that amount keeps growing every year. Less than half of it is recycled or composted. The European Union has set a target that 70 % of all the waste has to be recycled by 2030 which is compared to only 44% by today . 1/3 of the municipal waste goes to landfills and for some European union member states it's even more. In Greece, ¾ of everything thrown away ends up in landfills. 88 million tons of food is wasted in the European Union every year mostly by households. Sorting centers are in high demand for sorting waste but they can turn out to be expensive when you throw the waste in bulk. Managing waste is the responsibility of every individual living in the European Union.
How to achieve a circular economy:
The task for each and every individual which starts from the basics is sorting the waste to reach a circular economy .People these days are much more aware and spread awareness about waste sorting, and mostly, many people sort their waste at home. But many businesses have little to no efficient way of their waste management system. The businesses also have to sort out waste which can be a great start for them to step into the circular economy.
Smart recycling bin technology:
With rising technology and booming artificial intelligence there are so many advancements, so why do we still use the old outdated dust bin? Use the smart bin which has got automatic waste sorting technology. Our smart bins are designed to recognize different types of waste and sort them. They are a fully enclosed system that minimizes contamination of the recyclables, prevents misuse, and simplifies the recycling process. Mostly they are made of sensors, mechanical processors, Image processing units, and communication modules. The AI smart recycling bin is made usually with recycled material and is energy efficient. With the help of the smart bin you can create a circular economy.
The advantages of smart trash bin technology for waste management:
- Identifies individual waste and sorts the waste for you.
- Gives you fill detection notification .
- Automatic opening contact-free lid which guarantees you a germs-free work environment.
- Made of biodegradable material hence 100% eco-friendly .
- Reduces space.
- Portable in nature.
- Provides data insights.
- Provide Waste production stats that turn waste management into a data-driven process.
- Compliance in accordance with recycling regulations.
- Reduces your waste management costs.
- Improves your ecological footprint.
- Prevents cross contamination of the waste .*
Where can I buy a smart recycling bin :
PLAEX is an AI smart bin manufacturing company that leases the bin for your use. They even provide a free pilot period of 2 weeks. In this Pilot, a PLAEX sustainability expert will provide a free 2 weeks demo of the products Garby and Garcia which will cater to your needs, just support us with the delivery charge. In these two weeks, they will enlighten you on the working of their products, How to empty them and how to manage the data. If you want to make any personalized changes to the product also can be done on demand after purchase.
See here to know more about the PLAEX pilot.
Waste sorting is the unit of waste management. catastrophically it costs a lot. To help you out with waste management we can use the automatic waste sorting bin, which is highly efficient and is known for sorting waste with an accuracy over of 80 % and can reduce your waste management costs by 60%.
To achieve this goal, PLAEX provides a pilot program. We will help you achieve your sustainability goal.
How would you like to be part of the change to a more sustainable future? Remember, it is not complex, it's
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